Remote Nurse Career Affiliate Links

Take a look at the different affliate partners Remote Nurse Conenction supports.

CMI Online Course Discount

Case Management Institute (CMI)

 Use discount code “andrea10” for 10% off  3 of their courses:

  • Foundations of Case Management Course
  • Utilization Management MCG course
  • The Combo Foundation of Case Management and Utilization and MCG course

Savvy Nurse Writer Course/Membership

The course/membership is only open a couple times per year for enrollment.  But using this link you can sign up for the membership anytime you want & get access to a free 30 day trial.

savvy nurse writing course discount
resume scanning services
pdf Guide

Vetted Resume Resources

Get access to a list of vetted resume resources. Includes links to 1:1 nurse coaches, resume revamps, custom resume rewrites, and DIY resume resources specifically curated for remote nurse and biotech jobs.


Here is another ATS Resume Scanner that I recommend if you want to optimize your resume for any remote nursing job by highlighting the key experience and skills recruiters need to see.

resume scanning service for optimized resumes
mobile charging devices to work from anywhere
Mobile Charging Devices


Purchase a battery/backup charging device for your mobile devices so you can stay powered no matter where you want to work. 

Remote nursing essentials

Amazon #RemoteNurseEssentials

View and purchase my go to remote nursing tools and tech that you need to work professionally from where ever you want. 

purchasing supplies for remote nursing on amazon